Every year Friends of Fourth Ward finds a way to support the officers of the CMPD Central division. This year it was “Meals for Our Men and Women in Blue.”

Through the Fourth Ward Foundation, meals were donated and delivered to our local police officers. This year, meals were donated on Wednesday, July 29th (Breakfast by Queen City Grounds), Thursday, July 30th (Lunch delivered by Pizzeria Sapienza), and Friday, July 31st (Dinner- delivered by Poplar Tapas.)

The deliveries were made to the CMPD Metro HQ at 700 West 5th Street (where 6th St merges with Fifth St.)  Fourth Ward neighbors were invited to stop by and say “Hi” and “Thank you” to our police officers.

meals for our men and women in blue

FOFW Meals For our Men and Women in Blue, Breakfast by Queen City Grounds, July 29, 2020 Left to right: Heidi Haynes FOFW, Officer Brad Hall, Officer Rick Hough, Detective Naomi Decker, Bill Mahoney Queen City Grounds, Officer Ervin Dunham, Annette Mahoney Queen City Grounds

Meals for our men and women in blue

Bill Mahoney Queen City Grounds, Walter Sanders-FOFW, Captain Koch, Heidi Haynes- FOFW,  Miller Winecoff-FOFW, Officer Rick Hough, Officer Ervin Dunham

Pizza delivery from Pizzeria Sapienza CLT to our officers this afternoon. Left to Right: ___, Brad Hall, VK Simpson, Nick Lathrop of Pizzeria Sapienza, ___and Walter Sanders- VP Friends of Fourth Ward board of directors.

Miller Winecoff–FOFW, Heidi Haynes-FOFW, Captain Koch, Kevin Annison-FOFW, Walter Sanders- FOFW, and third shift officers in the background

Miller Winecoff- President of Friends of Fourth Ward, and Police Captain Koch