What is Friends of Fourth Ward?
The Friends of Fourth Ward (FOFW) is an active, volunteer-driven, non-profit, community organization founded in 1976. Its original functions were to revitalize the Fourth Ward, foster community development, and preserve the historic inner-city neighborhood of Charlotte.

FOFW benefits from the support of individuals, multi-family housing HOAs, and business members dedicated to the preservation and sustainability of the inner-city Fourth Ward neighborhood of Charlotte.

What is its purpose?
Friends of Fourth Ward provides a forum to build awareness and engagement on issues and opportunities facing the Fourth Ward community. It also raises funds through noteworthy events like the annual Holiday Home Tour and the Secret Gardens of the Fourth Ward tour. These activities help provide social, cultural, and educational resources for the Fourth Ward community and visitors. The organization has become a vibrant thread in the historic and cultural tapestry of the neighborhood as well as a broader Charlotte.

Who runs the Fourth Ward Foundation?
Fourth Ward Foundation is the donation arm of Friends of Fourth Ward. It is run by a volunteer network of residents, operated by the rotating Board of Directors of Friends of Fourth Ward. The Board is 100% volunteer-based.

The Board evaluates potential recipients of Friends of Fourth grants, projects, and support opportunities and distributes grants funded by the activities of the Friends of Fourth Ward and donations. The Foundation has helped support social, cultural, humanitarian, and educational causes for the Fourth Ward community since 1976.

What donations have been made this year?
2020 recipients

  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
  • Charlotte Symphony
  • Elmwood Pinewood Cemetery and Historic Elmwood Pinewood Inc (website under development)
  • Front Line Foods Charlotte
  • Hope Haven
  • Joedance Film Festival

Who can join Friends of Fourth Ward?
Although Friends of Fourth Ward was founded in the Fourth Ward community, the organization welcomes dues-paying residents and businesses outside of the bounds of the Fourth Ward.

As a business, how would it benefit me to join?
While the Fourth Ward is primarily a residential community, many businesses support FOFW and gain marketing exposure to, and the patronage of, Fourth Ward residents. If you are a local business or service provider and wish to be included on the FOFW website listing of supporting businesses, please contact FOFW.

How can I keep track of Fourth Ward activities as well as share my experiences?
Please bookmark www.fofw.org the organization’s website. You may also subscribe to Friends of Fourth Ward neighborhood association newsletter via the website or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/fourthwardclt/

Please remember to hashtag your social media posts about Fourth Ward with #fourthwardclt

How can I get involved with the Friends of Fourth Ward?
FOFW is a volunteer organization. We welcome individuals and businesses who can donate their time, talents, and energy to the organization. FOFW sponsors a number of committees including: Social, Parks, Outreach, Membership, Multi-Family Buildings Membership, Security and Safety, Green Team, and more.

Contact Friends of Fourth Ward neighborhood association (FOFW) to learn more.