About Us

About Friend of Fourth Ward

About FOFW

Friends of Fourth Ward (FOFW) is the neighborhood association established in 1976 by residents and others interested in preserving the historic inner-city area of Charlotte. The objective was to encourage the public and private efforts that began the restoration. Friends of Fourth Ward also gave citizens an organized line of communication to Fourth Ward supporters and government agencies. Today FOFW is designated as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We have an active neighborhood association with over 900 individual and business members.

FOFW’s purpose is to assist in and promote the rehabilitation and redevelopment of an historic inner-city area of Charlotte, North Carolina, known as the Fourth Ward Historic District as defined by the City of Charlotte, including the preservation of desirable physical features, the rehabilitation and reconditioning of salvageable structures, the preservation and restoration of historic properties, and the encouragement of coordinated public and private efforts for the revitalization of physical structures which are exemplary of Charlotte’s early architectural styles.

To provide and promote social, cultural and educational activities for residents of the Fourth Ward area and for others interested in participating in such activities; to provide a forum for discussion and an organized line of communication between the members of the corporation and appropriate governmental bodies; to promote the orderly development of a community with a healthy atmosphere, wholesome quality of life and fresh community spirit; and (b) To engage in any and all other activities for which a nonprofit corporation may be formed under and by virtue of the laws of North Carolina.